Specialised Drilling Services

Environmental Drilling

QEST Infrastructure has a range of modern and effective drill rigs, giving us the ability to provide the latest drilling techniques for all your environmental drilling requirements.

Environmental Drilling is an important tool for environmental protection and remediation, allowing us to investigate and assess subsurface conditions.

With two decades of experience with environmentally sensitive projects, we can provide a safe and effective solution for your environmental site assessments by utilising a number of drilling techniques.

Geotechnical Drilling

QEST Infrastructure has a range of modern and effective drill rigs, giving us the ability to provide the latest drilling techniques for all your Geotechnical Drilling requirements.

Geotechnical Drilling allows us to accurately assess subsurface conditions.

QEST has been in the business of safely penetrating our surface for two decades, and can provide a safe and effective solution for your geotechnical site assessments, meeting or exceeding all regulatory requirements by utilising a number of drilling techniques.